The New Media System, the Circulation of Contents and Cultural Production

Peppino Ortoleva is a professor of Media History and Theory at the University of Torino, Italy and lives in Florence. He has published more than a hundred essays on media, history and society. He has recently published Mediastoria (Mediahistory, 2002), Enciclopedia della radio (The Encyclopaedia of Radio, 2003, with B. Scaramucci), Le onde del futuro. Presente e tendenze della radio in Italia, (Waves of the Future. Radio in Italy, Today and Tomorrow, with G. Cordoni and N. Verna, 2006).He has recently completed Il secolo dei media. Riti credenze abitudini (The Media Century. Rituals, Beliefs, Habits), Il Saggiatore, forecoming. He is the president of Mediasfera a research and cultural production company.

Prof. Ortoleva will also gladly discuss contemporary Italian politics and culture in general.