How Deep Is Saskatchewan Buried?

Jun 19, 2016

How Deep Is Saskatchewan Buried?

This post has not been approved by Media Co-op editors!
Like many climate activists, I was paying attention to Peabody Coal's bankruptcy proceedings, and was suprised when the paperwork that came out about the various organizations they had been funding. I knew they were behind a lot of organizations, 'institutes' and 'think tanks' to push climate denial, but had no idea how many this one company was bankrolling.
PR Watch put out the list, and many of the names are recognizable on the surface as shill groups.
But one of the names on the list struck me, I recognized it from somewhere, a small bit of minor inconsequential information I had picked up and forgotten over the years came back.
'The Energy Council'. I remembered reading about The Energy Council a long time ago, but why? I googled the name, glanced around their website, trying to remember why the name mattered to me. They describe themselves as ' an American organization of state legislators focused on energy and environment-related policy concerns'. I googled the name plus 'Brad Wall', just to see if there was a connection. None. So then the name with Saskatchewan, then came a hit, then I remembered everything.
If you look at the date on this small notice, you'll see that Saskatchewan joined 'The Energy Council' near the tail end of the last NDP government.
Brad Wall definitely expanded the relationship, Saskatchewan hosted The Energy Council's conference in 2009, but the initial connection was made by the NDP's own Eric Cline.
It appears that Brad Wall is actually following through on decisions made by the NDP, who had been moving towards the right long before Wall took office.