Justin Trudeau's Two Track Termination Plan – Information Kit August 1, 2020

Aug 2, 2020

Justin Trudeau's Two Track Termination Plan – Information Kit August 1, 2020

Resources from the Truth Before Reconciliation Campaign 2020

During its first mandate (2015-2019), the current Trudeau government used AFN and Chiefs at various discussion (Recognition & Self-Determination) Tables, negotiation (Self-Government & Modern Treaty) Tables and Bands who opted into other colonial federal laws as partners to put in place new pan-Indigenous (First Nations, Metis & Inuit) laws, policies and practices to implement a federal Two-Track Termination Plan:

TRACK ONE: Short-term, Indian Act programs & services and fiscal agreements (10 year or less grants) used to facilitate transfer of delivery of programs & services to “Indigenous Governing Bodies” through;

TRACK TWO: Longer-term agreements and other federal laws to convert Indian Act Bands into what the current Trudeau government calls 4th Level “Indigenous governments”. Lower in status than the federal, provincial and municipal governments, as Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister, Carolyn Bennett, puts it: “This work is part of the unfinished business of Confederation”.

Two documents are attached. One is a chronology of the Trudeau government's termination plan. The other shows Trudeau's Two-Track Termination Plan.

For more information on the TRUTH BEFORE RECONCILIATION CAMPAIGN, visit my webpage: https://www.russdiabo.com/

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