Whose Afraid Of The Stoner Vote?

Jul 16, 2014

Whose Afraid Of The Stoner Vote?

This post has not been approved by Media Co-op editors!

  While recent Conservative 'justinoverhishead' Attack ads are focused on Trudeau's recent pro-legalization statements, their social media campaign has been focusing increasingly on cannabis activist Marc Emery's vocal support for Liberal leader Justin Trudeau. The campaign appears to be backfiring, as the 'anti-Trudeau' ads referring to Emery seem to appeal largely to the cannabis community, Emery supporters in particular, and most shares of the Conservative posts referring to Emery seem to be by pro-legalization supporters. 

  Marc Emery will emerge from a US prison soon, despite attempts at delaying his return to Canada, it is still an inevitability. 

Marc Emery's long time cross Canada support base, created over a decade of personal travelling activism combined with consistent material and organizational support for local on the ground activists and organizers, crosses the political spectrum from left to right and all points in between.

    In the heydey of the Cannabis Culture network, from the late 90s until his arrest and the seizing of his bank accounts by the DEA in 2005, Marc Emery and his various organizations including the BC Marijuana Party, Cannabis Culture Magazine, Pot TV and Marc Emery Seeds, helped train a generation of activists which later fed into other movements. 

    Unlike many NGOs that train activists, there was no discriminatory screening process for new local activists.

 Local activists would see a 'call out' in one of Emery's media outlets that said 'organize a rally in your city',  If you were the first person in your town to step forward as organizer for the local component of a multi-city event, it was yours and there was help available.  There would always be basic instructions for that particular coordinated action, whether it was a sit in at the MPs office or a full on 4/20 rally, there was always the helpful 'How To Put On A Pot Rally' article, which is an essential guide for any beginning organizer and applicable to any cause, except the parts specifically about cannabis, of course.

They would provide lists of contact info for local media outlets, plus talking points for press releases and to practice for interviews, all just because they needed people to do it. 

Cannabis activists who worked on Cannabis Culture inspired events who came from all over the political map, far left to far right. Often there was conflict, especially on the CC Forum message boards, but when there was an action everyone involved was on the same side when it came to our reason for being there.

Marc Emery himself was known for being toward the center-libertarian part of the spectrum, openly opposing unions and generally promoting the concept of free market enterprise, at one time even writing for Ezra Levant's infamous Western Standard. 

  So now, with every party except the Conservatives on the side of legalization, it's a very good time for Marc Emery to be getting out. 

. Especially given the grudge he might have against Harper for the extra time he had to spend in jail in the US because of Harper's change in the prison transer policy.

There's a reason the Conservatives have focused their attention on Emery, but it might be a crucial mistake on their part.