Transition is on our doorstep - what path will we choose? 7min talk by Cultural Transitions Researcher Mike Nickerson

Apr 14, 2020

Transition is on our doorstep - what path will we choose? 7min talk by Cultural Transitions Researcher Mike Nickerson

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The world needs to change; humanity has been affecting the world a lot, and we are going to start feeling the consequences as the world struggles under the toll we have put in under.

Humanity has become very knowledgable and powerful, but we need to make some important changes if we want humanity to be able to continue to exist on the planet in the long term.  What our culture does this century will determine the path of how humanity learns and shifts to be able to continue to exist on the earth.  My bias is: lean into the discomfort a little bit, and be proactive and intentional about the shifts we need to make as a culture and species, and try to do so ethically, justly, in line with our values, but also with clear eyes about realities of life and survival, and shifting our culture so that some of our values which may be noble but a little bit immature, grow in wisdom and renew in light of the new paradigm we are living in, so that many more generations can continue to explore amazing possibilities in the world, and our civilization can also be more mature as it begins to step onto a bigger 'world stage', that may even go beyond the bounds of our Earth.


Mike Nickerson - Evolutionary Sustainability and Cultural Transitions Researcher, Carpenter, Lanark Ecovillage Project Hearthkeeper Member
Highlights from "Time for a New Game", 7min talk clips from speaking to Occupy Ottawa on the convergence of economic and ecological unsustainability and socio-cultural evolution

The seventh generation initiative project Mike Nickerson is involved with:

#socio-culturalevolution #transition #economy #ecology #environment #sustainability #occupyottawa #transformation #community #collectiveconsciousness #collectiveevolution




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