Healthcare Record

Jul 17, 2019

Healthcare Record

No hope of recovery
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I m trying to find a way to remedy a situation that erupted six years ago after a friend of mine had become homeless after having to leave the shelter he lived in. Just to nullify or to inform I was not married to him. I am not his relative. And, I did not owe him a duty of care. I did not have to allow him into my life or too enter through my door.

I had to move beause I was at a tent city and although I did not receive a sentence and/or another orm of capital punishment? I did however become a sought after person in the new city I moved too. It is really where it started. A tarrif. Yes, a tariff was added to my bank account and it is causing quite a stir. A tariff is applied once a month like clockwork and the amount fluctuates and s clawed back on ocassion, I think to scare me

I was on a legitimate allowance until this time. It was called ODSP A and there was not lot  had to do t maintain the income.

There is now a social worker that has been hired out of private funds to benefit herself! Yes, it is not benefiting me in any way shape or form. She has found a way to hobble me and to drag my family down to the depths of hell and I will continue to demand her ID her credentials and I will continue to try to get her fired and to have her executed if necessary as my mother was by her sloppy and shoddy empire.

I am trying to shake them and will continue to do so.

The Ontario reform act and justice and judicial acts are the main source of the problem, private lawyering and private government.

The BDIA s moved into the government and visa versa about eighteen months ago and that s the money purse that has hired her.

The list of businesses are in the Belleville Intelligencer as well as a few other local media intermediary firms.

I m at present trying to deal with the injury of having been illegally incarcerated and the next best abduction is tll in the works.

I am being treated like a dangerous felon that is on the run and I have been ostracized by the whole family who suddenly think they own me and that they can discriminate and lie and be abusive. It is them that I am trying to hang on for.






TIna Cumbity R.S.W., I have no involvement with this person. And, have written queens park and trie a number of other umbrella favorites.  

Amanda Gordon Tickets and fines.

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