Statement of Unwavering Support for Palestinian People

Oct 19, 2023

Statement of Unwavering Support for Palestinian People

Déclaration de soutien indéfectible au peuple palestinien

En français ci-dessous

Statement of Unwavering Support for Palestinian People. Stand in solidarity with Palestine!

Open for endorsement. Please sign using the form: 

We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with Palestine and the Palestinian people. We deplore in the strongest terms the willful neglect of context, the duplicity and the hypocrisy of the so-called ‘international community’ which has remained silent about the normalization of the occupation of Palestine – the longest military occupation in modern history. We deplore the daily violence, killings, imprisonment of thousands of Palestinian men, women, and children in Israeli jails, the house demolitions, the so-called ‘settlements’, the daily human indignities suffered by Palestinians, the deprivations of basic necessities of life because of blockades, the house raids at all hours of the day and night. 

A basic tenet of international law is that people under occupation have a right to resist. And throughout these decades of colonization and occupation the Palestinian people have been heroically resisting in both quiet and spectacular ways. By simply living in historic Palestine, Palestinian people have been resisting and continue to resist. Those in the diaspora live the Israeli oppression by being prevented from exercising the right of return. From the standpoint of international law, Israel has been committing war crimes every day of the occupation: by being an occupier, by ‘collective punishment’, by aggression against people resisting occupation, by unlawful detention and imprisonment for years at a time, by denying access to basic necessities of life, by dehumanizing Palestinians.

We decry the governments of the world for their normalizing of the Israeli occupation; for labeling the resistance fighters ‘terrorists’. We demand honesty from them in calling out the actual perpetrators!

What Palestinians have demonstrated since the early hours of Saturday, 7th October was they will never accept occupation, that they will resist no matter the cost. Those in Israel and around the world who want peace must understand this. 

We extend our unwavering support to the Palestinian people and grieve all the lives lost over the last few days and those lost over many decades of expulsion, colonization, occupation, apartheid and wide-spread oppression.   

Israel’s on-going actions are war crimes. Article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the 1998 statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) categorically states that “[i]intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival” is a war crime. Similarly UN Conventions, International Humanitarian Law, and the International Committee of the Red Cross all stipulate that deprivation of food, water and the essentials for life for civilian populations are prohibited.    

Israel must cease the bombing of Gaza. Power and water must be restored. Food must be permitted to freely enter Gaza. Israel must end the blockade of Gaza and it must cover the costs of all the infrastructural damage and destruction it has caused. Of course it can never compensate for the loss of life, and the lasting trauma, especially on the children who have lived their young lives under continual siege and deprivation imposed on them by the state of Israel. 

The international community must ensure that international laws and resolutions passed by the UN apply to Israel.

We support self-determination for Palestine and call on conscientious people to lend their unwavering support for the liberation of Palestinian people. Free Palestine!



Solidarité avec la Palestine ! Déclaration de soutien indéfectible au peuple palestinien

On accepte toujours les signatures. SVP signez en utilisant le formulaire:

Nous, soussignés, sommes solidaires de la Palestine et du peuple palestinien. Nous déplorons avec force la négligence volontaire du contexte, la duplicité et l'hypocrisie de la soi-disant "communauté internationale" qui est restée silencieuse sur la normalisation de l'occupation de la Palestine - l'occupation militaire la plus longue de l'histoire moderne. Nous déplorons la violence quotidienne, les meurtres, l'emprisonnement de milliers d'hommes, de femmes et d'enfants palestiniens dans les prisons israéliennes, les démolitions de maisons, les soi-disant "colonies", les indignités humaines quotidiennes subies par les Palestiniens, les privations de produits de première nécessité en raison des blocus, les raids sur les maisons à toute heure du jour et de la nuit.

L'un des principes fondamentaux du droit international est que les peuples sous occupation ont le droit de résister. Et tout au long de ces décennies de colonisation et d'occupation, le peuple palestinien a résisté héroïquement, de manière discrète et spectaculaire. En vivant simplement dans la Palestine historique, le peuple palestinien a résisté et continue de résister. Les membres de la diaspora vivent l'oppression israélienne en étant empêchés d'exercer leur droit au retour.  Du point de vue du droit international, Israël a commis des crimes de guerre chaque jour de l'occupation : en tant qu'occupant, par la "punition collective", par l'agression contre les personnes qui résistent à l'occupation, par la détention illégale et l'emprisonnement pendant des années, en refusant l'accès aux nécessités de base de la vie, en déshumanisant les Palestiniens.

Nous reprochons aux gouvernements du monde entier de normaliser l'occupation israélienne et de qualifier les résistants de "terroristes". Nous exigeons d'eux qu'ils fassent preuve d'honnêteté en désignant les véritables auteurs de ces actes !

Ce que les Palestiniens ont démontré depuis les premières heures du samedi 7 octobre, c'est qu'ils n'accepteront jamais l'occupation, qu'ils résisteront quel qu'en soit le prix. Ceux qui, en Israël et dans le monde, veulent la paix doivent le comprendre.

Nous apportons notre soutien indéfectible au peuple palestinien et pleurons toutes les vies perdues ces derniers jours et celles perdues au cours de nombreuses décennies d'expulsion, de colonisation, d'occupation, d'apartheid et d'oppression généralisée.  

Les actions menées actuellement par Israël constituent des crimes de guerre. L'article 8(2)(b)(xxv) du statut de 1998 de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) stipule catégoriquement que "[l]e fait d'affamer intentionnellement des civils comme méthode de guerre en les privant d'objets indispensables à leur survie" est un crime de guerre. De même, les conventions des Nations unies, le droit international humanitaire et le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge stipulent tous que la privation de nourriture, d'eau et des éléments essentiels à la vie des populations civiles est interdite.    

Israël doit cesser de bombarder Gaza. L'électricité et l'eau doivent être rétablies. La nourriture doit pouvoir entrer librement à Gaza. Israël doit mettre fin au blocus de Gaza et couvrir les coûts de tous les dommages et destructions d'infrastructures qu'il a causés. Bien entendu, il ne pourra jamais compenser les pertes en vies humaines et les traumatismes durables, en particulier pour les enfants qui ont vécu leur jeune âge sous le siège et les privations continuels imposés par l'État d'Israël.

La communauté internationale doit veiller à ce que les lois et résolutions internationales adoptées par les Nations unies s'appliquent à Israël.

Nous soutenons l'autodétermination de la Palestine et appelons les personnes consciencieuses à apporter leur soutien indéfectible à la libération du peuple palestinien. Libérez la Palestine !


Relevant document: Statement from Birzeit University Union of Professors and Employees, Occupied Palestine: 



Signatories / Signataires:

Dolores Chew, CERAS (Centre sur l'asie du sud), Montreal

Denis Kosseim

Mrityunjoy Mohanty, Kolkata, India

Saleha Faruque, Justice For All Canada

Mohammed Ahmed

Titas, SADAC - South Asian Diaspora Action Collective, Montreal

Artists Against the Occupation

Ehaab Abdou, Assistant Professor, Wilfred Laurier University

Mukhtiar Singh

Fayyaz Baqir, writer

Maya Khankhoje, writer, Montreal,

Milkha singh,canada

Rushdia Mehreen, South Asian Diaspora Action Collective (SADAC), Vanier College, Montreal

Shozab Raza, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto

Huma Ansari, CCMW Canada

Jane Ku, University of Windsor, Ontario

Geneviève de Breyne-Gagnon, Doctorante en science politique, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal

Marina Seuve / Phd UQAM Montréal

Maryam Khan

Nakita Sunar, Canada

Sadhu Binning, Canada

Omer Aijazi, University of Manchester

Dharashree Das, University of Lethbridge

Jooneed KHAN, CERAS, Montreal, Writer and Rights Activist

Project Hajra

CERAS (South Asia Center)

Dia Da Costa, Professor, University of Alberta

Afzal rahman, DDO, QC

Salma Shaaban, McGill University, Montreal

Snehal Shingavi, Tempest Collective, Houston, TX USA

Dip Kapoor, Professor, University of Alberta

Pablo A Pozzi, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Belen Samuel

Marco Luciano, International Migrants Alliance Canada

Mahmood Mirza

Niabi Kapoor, Writer

Zaheer Ali, Centre for Promotion for Democracy and Secularism, Mumbai.

Makere Stewart-Harawira, Professor, Canada

Tanya Rowell-Katzemba, Montréal

Azra Sayeed, Karachi, Pakistan/Roots for Equity, Pakistan

Amyra El Khalili, editora redes Movimento Mulheres pela P@Z! , Brazil

Amyra El Khalili, editora da Aliança RECOs - Redes de Cooperação Comunitária Sem Fronteiras, Brazil

Steven Jordan, McGill University (Montreal)

Michelle Hartman, Professor, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec

Samer Boutros

Dr. C Darius Stonebanks, BIPOC Academic Coalition, Canada

Alex Da Costa, Professor, University of Alberta, Canada

Michael Ryan

F Malik, New York, NY USA

Anis Haroon, women,sAction Forum

Nasrin Hussain, women,sAction Forum

Nighat Said Khan academic activist founder member Womens Action Forum

South Asian Diaspora Action Collective, Canada

Nawwaf Kharma

Kat de la Cruz, Manila, Philippines

Mary Ellen Davis, cinéaste, enseignante, travailleuse culturelle


Norma Rantisi, Academics for Palestine-Concordia

Rukmini Rao, India

Eric Shragge, Immigrant Workers Centre Montreal

Amy Darwish

Jonathan McPhedran Waitzer, Montreal

Nesrine Bessaïh, Montreal

Lara Khattab, Mount Allison, Sackville New Brunswick

Arif Belgaumi, Architect, Karachi Pakistan

Hailey Ellbogen, IJV, Canada

Etienne Simard, Montréal

Jasveen Jairath, Progressive Farmers Front, Hyderabad

Sima Samar

Aisha Farooqui retired Academic

Roberto Pagliarulo, Longueuil, Canada

Independent Jewish Voices

Alison Peters

Farooq Hussain, Hyderabad

Rebecca / Montreal

Susan Caldwell, Révolution écosocialiste, Montréal

Julie Michaud, Montreal

Lochlan Doyle, Montreal, QC

Sophie Tétrault-Martel, travailleuse communautaire, Montréal

Malak Benali

Mahnazrahman, Aurat Foundation

Gohar Aman, Roots for Equity, Karachi, Pakistan

Safa Chebbi, Pour une dignité politique - Montréal

Nachida Malki, Mont-Royal

Sylvia Goldfarb writer Montreal

Sailaja Krishnamurti, Queen's University

Adrienne Carey Hurley, Montreal

Kota Harbron

Ashna Hudani

Sheena Hoszko, Queen’s University

Masarrath Fatima, India

Afeefa, India

Marion Daigle, Montréal

Rama Melkote Prof retd, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana State

Binish Ahmed, Toronto Metropolitan University

Kashmir Gulposh

International Council of Indian Muslims

Audrey Huntley No More Silence

Sukhdev Singh

Solidarity Across Borders

Naila Saeed , Aurora, Canada. Concern on the on going situation in Palestine. Also must have respond to the recent tweets from the PMs by making it clear that we do not endorse or celebrate any form of violence or extremism. Our commitment is clear to protect human rights,particularly here the rights of the Palestinian ppl.

M.A.S, Toronto #freepalestine

Terri Monture Mohawk Wolf Clan Six Nations of the Grand River in Occupied Haudenosaunee Lands

Adan Amer, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Toronto

Tahira Abdullah Pakistan

Rosalinda Hidalgo. Anthropologue et activiste. Montréal, Canada


Nelly, tiohtià ke (so called Montreal)

Shahnaz Akhtar from Islamabad

Kaleem Durrani, Irtiqa Institute of Social Sciences, Karachi.

Dr Bashir H. Shah Human Rights Commission of Pakistan

Farman Ali. Awami Workers Party, GilgitBaltistan


Camille Gravel

Aisha Thornton, Canada

Asha Bedar

Sarah Mathews Socio-political Activist

Mariam Khalid, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan

Lital Khaikin, Montréal

Ambreen Ahmad Pakistan physician

Shelley Tween, Montréal, IJV

Kashif Ali, Human Rights, Rozan NGO, Islamabad, Pakistan

Rukhsana Rashid, Consultant, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Nageen Hyat - rights and social activist Islamabad Pakistan

Ammar Awais, Pakistan / Capital markets industry / Islamabad

Nuzhat, McGill, Saint Urbain Montreal

Nina Zubair, Pakistan

Naseer Ahmad

Wali Haider, Roots for Equity, Karachi, Pakistan

Shahla Rafi

Rukhshanda Naz,Women Regional Network, Pakistan.

Dounia membre de solidarité sans frontières

Naeem Mirza, Aurat Foundation, Pakistan

naazlee Sardar۔ Ombudsperson for Protection against sexual harassment۔ German development agency۔ GIZ۔ islamabad Pakistan

Sawsan Keferenie Saudi Arabia

Retired Professor of History, Quaid-I-Azam University.

Mario Cesar Fonseca da Silva, advogado, Campo Grande-MS, Brasil

Sharifa Siddiqui, Counselor, India

Mariam Khalid, COMSATS University Islamabad

Asma Mahmud Hashmi Oxford, UK

Total support for the Palestinian resistance - Anna Rashid Ahmad

Azar , Muslim , Pakistani , ISL, Lahore Pakistan

Amina Masood Janjua chairperson Defence of Human Rights from Pakistan

Claire Ackland, United Kingdom

Amina Jamal, Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University

Shamaila Tanvir, Pakistan

Syed Majid Shuttari/ Hyderabad, Telangana/ India

Muhammad Yahya Cheema / LGS JT Lahore

Khawar Mumtaz/ women and human rights activist

Sumaira Ishfaq, Human Rights Defender

Aisha Gazdar, Karachi

Mahnaz Rahman, Aurat Foundation, Pakistan

Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière - COBP

Tarık Günersel, Writer, Türkiye

Narmeen Hamid

Zohra L.

Dal Bezerra - Moça Paulo Jackson, Ética, Justiça, Cidadania. Salvador/ Bahia - Brasil

Lafayette Dantas da Luz, Brazil / Lecturer at Federal University of Bahia, Salvador city, Brazil.

Meezan Zahra Khwaja

Ricardo Rodolfo Zehnder

Dinah de Abreu Azevedo, São Sebastião, SP, Brasil

Henrique Gilberto Mendes Dantas, Brasil

Ongd AFRICANDO, Espagne

Daniel Pérez Creus, Espagne

Rosângela de Souza, advogada

Dion Monteiro, Coordinateur Exécutif de Instituto Amazônia Solidária - Belém/Pará/Amazônia/Brésil

Projet accompagnement solidarité Colombie, Canada

Alexandre Bitar - Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil

Claire Lapointe, citoyenne révoltée. Montréal, Québec

Ayesha Kazi

Aparna Sundar, Toronto

Franklin López, children's book author, Nitaskinan

Jonathan Langdon, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS, Canada

Uzma Qadri

Aparecida Sílvia Mellin. Partido dos Trabalhadores. Campinas-SP, Brazil

Fernando Lopes

Maria de Fátima Azevedo

Pablo Castro Lemos

Alexei Richardson, Montreal

Leila Celis, Montreal, Canada

Luiz Roberto Santos Moraes, Emeritus Professor at the University Federal of Bahia-Brazil

Mariana Sant’Ana Fioravanti de Almeida/ Anistia Internacional

Zoraide Vilasboas /Salvador - Bahia - Brazil

Rita Moraes Brasil

Hélène Paquette, Ste-Émélie-de-l'Énergie

Mélanie Lamoureux, citoyenne, Canada

Shahida Shah, Women Rights Activist, Peshawar, Pakistan.

E B, Dawson College, Montreal

Elisabeth Néron, Montréal

Marie-Eve Lamy, éditrice, Montréal

David Parker, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Chamseddine Ezzeddine, Tataouine ,Tunisia

Catherine Descoteaux, avocate, Montréal

Belgacem Talbi , Tataouine, Tunisie

Vital Amorim Lima

Vital Amorim, Brasil

Leonardo Borges, Portugal; Non Affiliated

Rafaela Lopes de Sousa/Universidade Estadual do Ceará

Sarita Ahooja

Juhi Sohani, Imagining an Otherwise, Tiohtià:ke (Montréal)

Cecil, HRD, London

Felipe Mansur

Sheema Kermani, Tehrik-e-Niswan, Pakistan

Imrana Farooqui

Frank Du Canal, St-Jean-de-Matha

Zareen Syed

Florian Freuchet, Rimouski

Ghousia Syed

Francis Haley, Tiohtià:ke (Montreal)

Matias Mata, Climate Justice Montreal, Tiohtià:ke (Montréal) Canada

Kevin A. Gould, Concordia University, Department of Geography, Planning and Environment

Tabasum Mughal

Amanda Wai, independent, Montreal

Anne-Marie Gallant, Montréal

Alysha Lafleur, Social Service Worker, Kazabazua, Quebec

Faisal Shaheen, Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University

Asaf Rashid - lawyer

Laurie Tatibouët, PASC

Edna Guerreiro, Rio de Janeiro,Brasil

Zeina Allouche, Montreal

Regina Fazioli - Brasil - Librarian and teacher

Québec Public Interest Research Group - Concordia. Montreal, QC, Canada

Jacky Vallée, Montréal, QC, Canada

Zehra Khan, HBWWF, Karachi

Serge Roy, Québec

Nasir Mansoor, National Trade Union Federation (NTUF), Pakistan

Licio Ivan de Freitas Silveira/Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

Mirela Halijagic, Edmonton Alberta

Saadatou Abdoulkarim, sociologue, Montréal

Beenash Jafri, assistant professor, UC Davis

Marie-Eve Sauvé, Montréal

Amir Khadir, député à l'Assemblée nationale du Québec 2008-18

Nazar Palykhata, Alberta, Canada

Ruben Alfredo de Siqueira / Comissão Pastoral da Terra / Salvador / Bahia / Brasil

Brigada Cimarrona Sebastián Lemba

Patrice Voutsinas, Montréal

Simone Lucas, Independent Jewish Voices

Women Action Forum, HRCP

Christian Favreau, Climate Justice Montreal, Montreal

Pierre-Jean maziade médecin Québec

Anna Roth Trowbridge, independent registered nurse, Montreal

Nighat Said Khan Women's Action Forum Pakistan

Aidan vorolieff

Mariene Martins Maciel

Naheed Aziz Development Planner Pakistan

Bradley Por, Montreal, QC, Canada

Memoona Rauf Khan Development Consultant & activist / WAF Pakistan

Yalda Machouf Khadir, Montréal, avocate

Nasreen Azhar, Women's Action Forum, Islamabad, Pakistan

Mahnazrahman, Aurat Foundation, Karachi, Pakistan

Emin Youssef, Montréal

Nicolas Chevalier, Climate Justice Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada

Palestinian and Jewish Unity, Montreal, Canada

Jaguaracira Alves de Souza

Rahul Varma, Playwright and Artistic Director of Teesri Duniya Theatre, Quebec, Canada

Yasmeen, montreal canada

Climate Justice Montreal, Montreal, QC

Ki'ra Jo-Ellen Prentice, McGill Student, Montreal

Gillian Smith

Deann Nardo, Montreal, QC

Romain Khan, University of Alberta

Gulalai Habib, BC, Canada

K. Kersplebedeb, Publisher

Zoë Dodd, Toronto, Canada

Thays Candido Pereira Calegari / Brasil

shirene e, montreal

Adzuki M., Head & Hands, Montreal

Martin Fontaine, Montréal

Estou aqui assinando pela paz pra todos os povos, abaixo a opressão.

Nanky Rai, Physician, Toronto, ON

Rosalind Dalefield, private citizen, New Zealand

rosalind hampton, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto

Aida Abud

Shady Asi

Seif Asi

Ian Tian, University of Toronto

Kausar s khan . Advisor Community engagement

Babar Pakistan

Gary Kinsman, Professor Emeritus, Sociology, Laurentian University

Katie Bannon, Toronto

Kasturi DasGupta, New Jersey

Quebec Writers Federation

Beata Elliott

Gursewak Mann Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Anthony Dagorne France Lorient

HRCP Pakistan

Cornelius Talmadge, Vancouver, BC

Uzma Latif, Primary Academic Coordinator | Pvt School LGS Lahore Pakistan

Solange Aparecida Duarte , Brasil, Apoio incondicionalmente a Palestina

Raphaëlle Pamphile, Montréal

India Civil Watch International, USA/Canada

Rubina Hossain

Vannina Sztainbok, Toronto, Canada

ir. A.J.H.F.M. Keultjes, Delft

Gilberto Gonçalves, PT, Brasil,

Paul Lévesque, md, Montréal

Farouk Benazzoue

Igor Alexandre, trabalhador classista internacionalista

Thalia MZ

Wanda Johnson Chell, University of Alberta

Valérie Simard

Joey Calugay, Centre des travailleurs et travailleuses immigrants, Montréal

Gulnar Zumkhawalla

Kaneez Fatima Kassim from Pakistan

Jadis Dumas, filmmaker, Montreal

Béatrice Venne, Montréal

Nimet Karachi, Canadian Council of Muslim Women Niagara

Elizabeth Pruszynski, Tio'tia:ke-Montréal

Kelly Schieder, MSW Student (University of Toronto), Canada

Annie Jubinville,Montréal

Tara Rizvi, Toronto

Laurent Paradis-Charette

Momna Dilawar, Lahore, Pakistan

Alex-Antoine Fortier, Tio'tia:ke-Montréal

Habiba Espiard, française, France

Grace, Toronto / SURJ, Toronto

Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Valle de Tehuacán

Inti Barrios Hernández, Comisión de Derechos Humanos y Laborales del Valle de TEhuacán, MEX

Sandra Pedroso, Brazil

Susana Ponte Rivera, Montréal

Hesser Garcia, Montreal

Bianca Joubert, Montréal

Julie Kiopini, Montréal, Canada

Julie Laloire, Montréal Canada

Titas Banerjee, SADAC, Montreal

Anne Latendresse, professeure, UQAM

Aurora Vasconcelos Brasil Jornalista Free

Sonia Ben Yahmed, Québec, Convergence des Luttes du Sud

Catherine Landry

Lynda Khelil, Montréal

Nausheen fatima social activist

Nour Kubeisy

Renuka Kad, Vikas Adhyayan Kendra, India

Nina Karachi-Khaled

Suzanna Miller, UNIA Geneva

Tania Hallé, Montréal, PASC - Canada

Ange Villeneuve, Head & Hands, Sherbrooke

Gabriel Villeneuve, Head & Hands, Sherbrooke

shahzadi jamila from Lahore.Pakistan

Lisa Giaccari

Usman Majeed, Vancouver

Faculty for Palestine, Canada

Alice Lepetit, Montréal

Sohnia Montreal, Canada

Anna Lermer, Vancouver BC

André Frappier Québec Solidaire Montréal

Indigenous Education Network, OISE, University of Toronto

Maria dos Milagres Monsão Gonçalves/ Partido Socialismo e Liberdade/Movimento de Luta e Ocupação de Espaço do Estado do Maranhão/ Santa Luzia, MA.

Shazreh Hussain, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Saleem Shah , Affiliation: Pushtun Tahafuz Moment , Location: Pakistan

I support philistines cause, Allauddin Khilji, Pakistan

Susan Ferguson, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada

Lorraine Fontaine, Montreal, Canada

Amina Jamal, Professor of Sociology, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

Saleha Nakhuda Toronto, Ontario

Fasel A

Seema Khawaja

Rabia Saleem

Sarah Shah, Tkaronto

Nuha yacoub , Brantford On.

Asmaa Al-Jawabreh, Brantford Ontario

Shatha Jaberi ,182G Dunsdon street ,Brantford.ON

Preeti Kaur Dhaliwal, Writer/Lawyer, Canada

Saudia Bibi Brantford

Rahim Syed, Brantford ON

Saleem Topiwala Kitchener ON Canada

Lucia Flores Echaiz, Avocate, Montréal

Yossef Patel


Shahid Amin Victoria London

Radia Halitim

Camille Lambert-Deubelbeiss

Mar Saavedra, Montreal. University of Montreal

Micheline S. Claveau, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Virginie Ayrout, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Mathieu Trudeau, Saint-Hyacinthe

Charlotte Mayeda, Allied Media Projects, Detroit, MI

Kenny Me, Allied Media Projects

Muhammad khan

A'leetzia Burns

Geography Undergraduate Student Society (GUSS), Concordia University, Tiohtià:ke (Montréal), QC, Canada

Tohy Kettele Andriantovoson, Cégep de Trois-Rivières

Owen Quinn, Montreal, QC

Allied Media Projects

Florie Dumas-Kemp, Canada


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