Trappers opposing Peat Moss extraction near traplines

Oct 28, 2020

Trappers opposing Peat Moss extraction near traplines

Sasktchewan P4 Trappers Block send letter to Saskatchewan Minister of Environment
P 4 Trapping Block
October 27, 2020
To Saskatchewan Minister of Environment:
Re: Peat Moss extraction
The P4 trappers made a unanimous motion at their annual general meeting, October 7, 2020, that Secretary/Treasurer, Joan Johnson, write a letter to stakeholders opposing the extraction of peat moss in the La Ronge/Creighton junction/Montreal Lake/Weyakwin areas.
Trappers, noted that their traplines have already been adversely affected by clearcutting of the boreal forests and further disruption to the habitat is unacceptable. Members of the P 4 trapping block join our voices with others opposed to this proposal of mining peat moss. We recognize that the overall health of the ecosystem is interdependent with all of its components. Peat moss takes thousands of years to form from biodegrading detritus, and muskegs serve a significant ecological purpose. They soak up excess water, preventing flooding from occurring, and in times of low precipitation, release that water to surrounding flora. They very slowly break down plant materials and mosses, help filter our water and are one of the most beneficial processes in our ecosystems. Further, peat lands are carbon sinks and when damaged they become huge emitters of greenhouse gases. In this accelerated time of climate change peat moss extraction is harmful both short term and long in to the future.
Most of the trappers in our trapping block have inherited traplines from our parents and/or grandparents and, as stewards of the land, aim to protect it from harm so our children and grandchildren can experience the relationship with the land so integral to our identity and healing. If we permit clearcutting, peat moss mining and silica extraction, what will be left? We will not permit these imposed degradations to the land we inherited. It is our responsibility to stop the damage to the lands and waters upon which we depend.
The P4 trapping block officially stands opposed to this peat moss mining proposal.
Yours sincerely,
Joan Johnson
Secretary/treasurer P4 Trapping block
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