Posts by admin

Canada Doesn't Support "Essential” Migrant Workers

Enormous sacrifice is asked of Filipino healthcare workers, for example, but what is the government doing to support them?

This article was written for International Migrants Day, December 18th.

Unceded Territories | As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for doctors, nurses, caregivers, and more healthcare professionals is rising globally.

Pushing for a fundamental reassessment of Canada’s foreign policy

Talking Radical Radio

Bianca Mugyenyi is a long-time activist in multiple movements and she is currently the director of the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (CFPI). Yves Engler is also a long-time activist and writer, and he is a fellow at the CFPI. Scott Neigh interviews them about the organization’s work to present a critical challenge to Canadian foreign policy across a broad spectrum of issues.

A radical design collective in Winnipeg

Talking Radical Radio

Terry McDowell has been working as a graphic designer in Winnipeg for the last ten years. He is a member of Strike Poster, a 14-member closed collective of graphic designers and artists of all sorts committed to a range of radical left politics. Scott Neigh interviews him about the intersection of politics and design, and about Strike Poster’s contributions to struggles for justice and liberation in Winnipeg.

Bringing questions of justice to the heart of struggles for climate action

Talking Radical Radio

Laura Hamilton is a climate activist who lives in Waterloo, Ontario. She began working on climate issues as a co-founder of Divest Waterloo, a group with an initial focus on encouraging divestment from fossil fuel industries. But as their understanding of the climate crisis deepened, the group came to realize that only an approach that centres justice would have a shot at making the kinds of changes that we need.
