We're Fundraising!

Apr 12, 2024

We're Fundraising!

It's that time again -- we're raising money so we can publish more high quality, original, grassroots journalism!
At The Media Co-op , our mission is to publish grassroots journalism in grassroots ways, and to pay the people who write for us while we do it. The money that you helped us raise last year has allowed us to put out a lot of good stuff. Along with continuing our monthly examination of police-involved deaths in Canada , we published articles about tenant organizing , the harmful conduct of Canadian mining companies , the movement in solidarity with Palestine and the rising tide of anti-Palestinian racism , the struggles of migrant workers , and lots more. We also published interviews with an Indigenous couple who lost their home in last year's wild fires in British Columbia , and with a range of activists and organizers .
Our goal for the coming year is to do even more. We've been receiving a growing number of pitches in recent months. And in our ongoing work to build our organizational capacity, we are in the middle of a process of reaching out to activist groups, student newspapers, and journalism programs to let people in those spaces know that we want them to write for us about issues and struggles in communities across so-called Canada.
To do that, of course, we need to raise money to pay people for their labour (plus a little to pay for the infrastructure that allows us to publish). We’re looking to raise a total of $3,000. If you can give enough to cover one article – we pay $100 to $250, depending on the piece – that would be amazing, but any amount helps. Please donate if you can!
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