CTV's Afghan cameraperson release from prison

Javed Yazamy the journalist who "worked primarily as a CTV camerman for CTV", according to the September 25, 2008 paper edition of the Toronto Star, was released from prison on September 21. His arrest by US forces as an enemy combatant 11 months earlier came, Yazamy states, at the suggestion of the Canadian forces. It's interesting to note this 116 word release was given a less than conspicuous place in section AA, due I'm sure, to its length and perceived lack of importance.


So, according to Harper, Agricultural Minister Gerry Ritz didn’t mean for the ‘joke’ about the latest listeriois death to be heard in public. Well now, isn’t that the rub. He has finally publicly stated what we have known all along: What the ‘Conservative’ Party says in public is what they say in private. What is derived from this is that they do have a hidden agenda and Ritz’s mistake of not following what has been said to be, Harper’s directive to let him do the talking so the wrong message doesn’t leak out, shows the voters their distrust is well founded.

Criminalizing Indigenous Rights in Canada

Criminalizing Indigenous Rights in Canada
David Parker
September 8th, 2008.

HALIFAX - In September of 2007, the United Nations adopted the non-binding Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Four high profile countries notably voted against the declaration - namely Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand.[1] All four countries are states that were established by white settlers on indigenous lands, and all four are currently in disputes with indigenous peoples over land and sovereignty.

The Anti-Terrorist Battle Inside Canada's Borders

The anti-terrorist battle inside Canada's borders
by David Parker
July 17th, 2008.

HALIFAX - In Canada since 9/11, the domestic climate of rising national security fears, fanned by a sensationalist media trumpeting the “War on Terror”, has led the government to justify practices which undermine long-standing principles of human rights.

Turn up the Megaphone!

Vancouver's newest street newspaper, Megaphone, is awesome! The stories are informative and relevant to readers, the design and illustrations are lovely, and the whole paper has a good vibe.

The website isn't functional, so maybe in the future the Dominion News Cooperative can reprint some of their great material.

Look out for Megaphone bi-weekly, on a street corner near you. Or maybe far away from you.

Missing voices

Reactions in the media to the federal government’s June 12 apology for the horror and tragedy of the residential school system came quickly and were plenty. Many, including pieces in the Vancouver Sun and the Toronto Star, called on the federal government to take further, immediate action to back up the apology.


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