New Police Corruption Incident In Saskatchewan

Apr 4, 2015

New Police Corruption Incident In Saskatchewan

Scattered incidents already led to Saskatchewan activists to begin organizing for more police accountability, with the next meeting to be held at 7pm on April 8 at the Mental Health Association Office at 1810 Albert Street in Regina. 

Now, 2 new incidents punctuate the need for this organizing work. 

A video surfaced on Facebook early on April 3, 2015, showing 3 individuals walking down the road when they are approached by Saskatoon police who claim they are investigating a suspicious vehicle, but there's no vehicle nearby.

 They're all detained, all 3 of them invoke their right to refuse but are completely ignored and told they have no right to refuse, video ends when camera person is put in car. 
Video originally loaded to Facebook. 
Another story from Regina, accompanied by photos but without a video, had been posted on March 31 but originally had privacy settings that prevented it from being shared, then was public and went viral on Regina Facebook walls. It has since been removed at the request of the author of the Facebook post.