
August 31 was International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD). Drug users and allies in Vancouver took to the streets in a powerful...
August was another deadly month in terms of police-involved deaths in so-called Canada. Nine people were killed by police or died...
Jeff Shantz Sep 2
Killer cops, the forces to which they belong, and their police associations are regularly coming up with euphemisms and bogus...
July was the most deadly month so far this year in terms of Canadian police-involved deaths. At least 11 people were killed by...
The Surrey Model of policing is rooted in expanding regimes of layered policing, which extends police surveillance, intrusion,...
At least 6 people were killed by police or died through police actions in Canada in June 2021. So far in 2021, at least 43 people...
Canadian police have continued their bloody ways through May 2021, with at least 10 people being killed or dying through police...
Racism and policing have gone hand and hand in the Canadian context—from the historical settler colonial violence of the RCMP...
Jeff Shantz May 19
“Prisons do not disappear social problems, they disappear human beings. Homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, mental...
Jeff Shantz May 6
At least six people died through some sort of direct interaction with Canadian police in April 2021. This follows a deadly March...
Jeff Shantz May 3
